Fairly Odd Parents Wiki


  • Megan Bacon is a bit similar to Maryann, being a previous godchild and main villain in an episode about Cosmo and Wanda's past godchildren.
  • Megan somehow managed to keep her knowledge of Fairy World after losing her fairies in the alternate timeline, in order to get revenge on them for how hard on her Cosmo and Wanda were. It is unknown how she managed to do this, though it has been shown to not be impossible, as Denzel Crocker also knows about magic and fairies in his adulthood.
    • As she was talking to Cosmo as a saltshaker in the normal timeline, that might imply she still knows about fairies there as well.
  • We actually see evidence of Cosmo and Wanda's positive influence on her life, as it is shown that not listening to them as a kid would have turned her into a supervillain rather than a business owner and waitress.